You belong with us.
About Sigma Phi Gamma
We are women of all ages and circumstances, single, married, widowed and divorced, living throughout the United States and Canada. Some of us have small children, some have grandchildren and even a few great-grandchildren. We each are unique, separated by our talents and dreams. It is the gathering of these differences that makes our organization so dynamic, so charismatic!
We are Sigma Phi Gamma International Sorority, founded in friendship, dedicated to serving our communities. For over 100 years we’ve been bringing women together through a united message of friendship, service, and community. Will you be part of our next 100 years?
Three New Chapters Installed in Idaho- August 2024
International Officers and guests joined in the celebration as three new chapters: were installed to Iota Province on August 17, 2024.
Welcome to our new sisters in Omicron Lambda, Omicron Nu and Omicron Mu Chapters!

Join our circle of friendship.
Discover the importance of giving back
Circle of Friendship
Our rich history began with the vision of five young women in Hartford City, Indiana. Phyllis, Edith, Ferne, Irene, and Violet created an organization of women dedicated to helping others while building life-long friendships. Today, as in our beginning, our membership is dedicated to making this world a better place, one life at a time through friendship, service to those less fortunate, and charitable giving in our communities.
Together We Do More
At the Province level, multiple local Chapters come together to provide assistance annually to a regional charity. At the International level, (all Chapters in the United States and Canada), we support a variety of charities. A new International Service Project is selected by the membership every two years.
Help Us Make A DIfference!
Sigma Phi Gamma is organized by local Chapters, which are grouped into regional areas called Provinces throughout the United States and Canada. Through our Chapters, we are able to volunteer together to assist families and organizations in the areas where we live. There is no greater feeling than knowing YOU made a positive difference for families in your community.